clothes by Coexist
models: Mariana Bantug and Camille Co
MUA: Hazel Narciso-Mordeno

I did another photo shoot for Coexist. Y'all should catch their newest collection at the Rockwell Bazaar this weekend!

After the shoot, Riz and I headed to Eastwood to catch Rico Blanco's performance for MTV Sessions. There was a huuuuuge crowd which made it scorching hot. It ended around 10:30 PM.

The whole night we kept picking at his (pork and chicken) dish which was served swimming in oil. Eeeeew.
Look at the amount of oil he was able to scoop out!
Yes, I was meeting a deadline so I was editing the whole time Riz and Rico were discussing and rearranging the chords and verses of her new & old compositions. I think I was only able to contribute by helping Riz recall her old, old songs! Lol. She was given lots of homework, too. We need to come up with 16 decent, well-structured, COMPLETE songs.

Pretty fun! We ended at 1:30 AM. Went home after grabbing some Vitamin Water from 7/11, Riz with some energy drink. I didn't need that since the insomniac in me kept me up and running til 5:45 AM. I need a cure for this, seriously.