· Too lazy to wear tops and bottoms so I'm constantly finding myself wearing dresses + a cover-up for the cold weather.
· Just realised that I haven't been shopping in malls anymore. Sales are getting boring and racks are mostly comprised of old stocks. Soooo a while ago I ended up purchasing some dresses online. What. Is. Wrong. With. Me.
· Bought somethin for my new 'do a while ago. It's gonna be my first time to use hair products. (Gonna look for some tutorials/tips on YouTube in a while. Teehee. What a noob.)
· I'm starting to think that my brows are getting too much attention. I keep gettin random questions about them! I'm not even counting the people who ask me through my comment box. Maybe I should get my lip pierced to divert people's attention.
· Umm FYI I don't intend to make this site a fashion blog :)
· Something really fun's cookin up. Sooo excited for tomorrow! Hint: will be workin with my sister. And no, it's not one of our lame bedroom-studio video recording shit. I'm really prayin for good things to happen. :)
· Happy yipee yay, found out that my pic got featured on the SMV Blog today :)
· I want a small FLIP HD video camcorder! Designable, too. Awesomesauce. Gotta find a better photo to use.