ice cream dress- Topshop; shoes- PF
Last Wednesday, I spent an afternoon with my friend Maxine at Bonifacio High Street. Talked about loads of things and had coffee before going to a meeting that night with Riz (which ended at 11 PM!). It was fun!
Man, lotsa people were staring at us while I was taking her photos! Two trigger-happy girls giggling and running around the place... Plus this nosy security guard approached me and asked if it was a photo shoot for a publication and if I had a permit. HELLO- this must've been my 4th time taking portraits around this area. And I know for sure that you only need a permit once you use/plant a tripod. And hey, if it was for some publication, wouldn't we have some sort of entourage with us? Stylist, makeup artist, "reflector guy"? I wish we had those. LOL.